Thursday, 18 April 2013

Finished Opening Sequence

We have finally finished our opening sequence and overall we are very happy with the end result. 

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Creating the soundtrack

We had previously started to download sound free sound loops to use in our soundtrack, which was helpful as we didn't find a lot we liked on garage band. In todays lesson we created the soundtrack and tried to show the contrast between the points of view; for example we used dark sound when it was the killers point of view to show he was deadly, but from the point of views of the girls we used light cheerful sound to show their innocence to the situation. Overall we are very happy with the way the soundtrack was finished and we feel it suits the genre well. 

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Attempting Title software 21/03/13

As we found Livetype to be very slow to use we attempted to use 'Adobe After Effects'. First we found a website that would help us with a distinctive template called 'ae templates', we downloaded a suitable file that related to the genre of are film, with horror related text and quirky format. When importing the file on after effects it was very unclear on what we needed to do next. We tried to watch a tutorial on youtube but we found it incredibly complex, so we decided to stick to Livetype and agreed to stay at lunch time/free periods and after school to ensure the titles where up to the standards we expected at this time.

Putting sound in our sequence

When searching for suitable sound for our movie we used the site 'freeSFX' as it had a lot of sound effects. However we had to narrow it down as the selection was quite large. We typed in 'horror' in the key word box and this made the process a lot quicker then what we had previously experienced. Some sounds relating to horror where more gory such as breaking bone effects, and others where more terrestrial obviously relating to monstrous/extra terrestrial figures.  However, we found some broader tunes that could be used as a dominant background noise for the beginning and end of the film. We downloaded some shorter sound effects for mid-scene clips such as a girl screaming, we would use this as Izzy (The first victim) gets attacked.   However we don't want to make it cliche so next lesson we plan to see how they flow in out movie. 

Thursday, 14 March 2013


In the lesson I used the LiveType software to make a proto-type for our main title of the film. We have not chosen a name yet so we used 'The Resistance' as an example. I used historic font that uses very dynamic detail and shapes to make it seem more creative. I used a deep red colour to reflect the genre of the movie, the colour is symbolic to blood and power. 


Whilst the Macs where stolen. we where unable to edit, therefore I decided to get on with other things so we where not too far behind when the deadline came. Using the Livetype software I looked at a variety of different styles, colours and edits. I decided that using red would be the best associated colour to the genre of our film; Horror. Red represents danger, blood and gore, it is also deep and representative to the sequence that is about to occur. The style that appealed most to me, was 'Frigid' this made our opening sequence name 'The resistance' move slight;y left to right in a fast awkward movement. I thought this mocked the struggle to survive from the kidnapper as Emily; the victim of his evil antics latches on to the door trying to escape but struggles. The editing movement replicates that struggle as it represents panic and distress.

Editing update- 14/3/13

Monday, 11 March 2013

07/03/13: Adobe Premiere Pro

Me and Libby started to use Adobe Premiere Pro, we had to learn new things but we adapted very quickly as the program is very similar to Final Cut, so our past experience helped us a lot.

Editing Day 1

Today me and libby started to edit our opening. The first thing we did was continue to rename our footage and then we started to pick which clips we're going to use, I was very happy with the results as we got a lot done. At the same time we started to brainstorm ideas for sound and the effects that we're going to be using.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Bloopers and behind the scenes from filming

This is a short video just showing a few behind the scenes clips and bloopers that happened on the two days of filming.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Re-shoot 8/2/13 evaluation

On 8/2/13 we re-shot a couple of scenes that we were unhappy with, for example the conversation between Emilie and Izzy and the establishing shot. We also added in some extra scenes to establish the location and killer more. The filming went very well and we got everything done very quickly and efficiently, more so than last time as we were more organised and focused. Overall we have some very good footage and will be able to place it well with our original edit. 

Posted by Rosie King

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Meeting 5/2/13

We could not start editing yet so instead, I opened up Final Cut and started to rename the clips. Including what was happening, if the clip is usable and its quality. This made it easier when it came to rough editing as we could immediately start connecting clips chronologically.

Friday, 8 February 2013

First showcase feedback

In todays lesson we showcased our rough cut of our opening sequence. Each other group in the class assessed our work and made commnets on what was going well so far, what could be inproved and what needs to be added/removed.

Positive feedback:
-The setting is very effective and good for the genre.
-Quility of the filming is very good.
-Good match on action.
-Clear narrative.
-POV shot very good.
-Framing is excellent.
-Good sequence idea.

Consturctive critisism: 
-Some parts seem slightly rushed (E.G editing at the end of the sequence)
-Some cuts obvious
-Actors break the 4th wall as they look at the camera occationally.
-Needs a clearer establishing shot.
-Need to edit out the laugher on one of the shots.

We have taken on board the constructive critisism and have already identified these faults ourself. Obviously we had no finished editing when we showcased it therefore some of the critisisms like the laugher will be cut out once the editing it completed. On Friday 8th we will be refilming some of the scenes which for example, break the 4th wall and well as the establishing shot.

Posted by Rosie King

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Risk assessment from- re-shoot

Risk Assessment Form- Production

Name of production: The Resistance
Group production details: SunRayMedia- Rosie King, Libby Nicholls, Michael Pilcher, Manhal Rayees
Filming day: day two


Risk (high, medium, low):
-The log fire burning people, or wood falling out.

-The axe

-Using the axe


-Only let Rosie control the fire and put the metal grate up so that if firewood does fall out it won’t fall on people.

-Keep the protective case on the axe so that if it is dropped it cannot hurt anyone. Only allow the person carrying the axe to have it at the point of filming, otherwise put in away so others cant handle it.

-Axe is quite heavy and obviously dangerous so Rosie will be using it for that scene, as she knows to use to properly.

Call sheet for re-shoot

Call Sheet:

Shooting day no.: Day two
Date: 8/2/13

Shot number:
Establishing shot from POV of the killer walking to the cabin
Outside the cabin
N/A- new addition
Close up of the killers feet walking towards cabin
Outside the cabin
N/A- new addition
Izzy talking about going outside
Inside the cabin, sitting on the floor
Izzy waling to the door from the POV of the killer outside
Outside the cabin looking in through the main window

Mid- shot of Izzy coming round the corner of the cabin in the POV of the killer
Outside, to the back of the cabin
N/A- new addition
Close-up of Izzy’s reaction to the killer
Outside, to the back of the cabin
N/A- new addition
Close-up of axe chopping down into a piece of wood
Outside, to the back of the cabin
N/A- new addition
Posted by Rosie King

Re-shoot schedule

Re-shoot Schedule:            

Cam No/ Op:
Storyboard Shot number:
Shot description:
Shot: Yes No? :
Take Details:

N/A – new addition

N/A- new addition



N/A- new addition

N/A- new addition

N/A- new addition
 Establishing shot from the POV of the killer walking to the cabin.

Close up of the killer’s feet walking towards the cabin.

Re-filming Izzy talking about why she is going outside.

Re-film Izzy walking to the door, from the POV of the killer through the window.

Mid-shot of Izzy coming round the corner of the cabin in the POV of the killer

Close- up of Izzy’s reaction to seeing the killer.

Close up of the axe chopping down into a piece of wood.

Posted by Rosie King

Editing the sequence to a rough cut

Firstly, Libby and I uploaded all the footage we had taken on our day of filming into Final Cut Pro and began to re-name all the clips so that we could access them more easily. After this we then started to order to clips in what fitted the storyboard; however, as we started to put it together we re-ordered some of the clips slightly as we felt it fit better, and created a better narrative. For example instead of starting with the girls in the cabin talking, we used a behind the shoulder shot of the killer walking to the cabin and looking through the window to establish the location and set the premise for the sequence.
After we had finally put all the clips in the right order, we then made a list of all the things we wanted to re-shoot and also film and add into the sequence. For example we want to re-film to part were the character Izzy goes outside. We also want to add some more scenes from the perspective off the killer- so looking through others windows at the girls.

Posted by Rosie King

Friday, 1 February 2013

Music for our sequence

In todays lesson we looked at the possible music we could use to accompany our opening sequence. We will be using garage band and free music loops to create a diverse mix that really confirms the genre. We will be using the violin effects to create a strained effect, it can make the feel of the film uncomfortable which is an effect that is valued in horror. We will also use human voices, such as screama and shouts during the titles and storyline. For example, when the character us being taken the scream does not sound very dramatic, but using a screaming overlap will make it professional.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Meeting 28/1/13- focus group editing

Libby and Rosie began editing are focus group videos, as some parts are irrelevant or feedback is not up to the higher standard. We want to upload it in a organised fashion so editing will make it look like a higher standard. when editing it took a lot of time to upload individual clips and to render and write the footage, so as Libby and Rosie both had a free we continued to edit then. Manhal and Micheal continued to write up some drafts for the group blog.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Shooting photos

When we had a break in between recording, Libby snapped a couple of pictures inside and outside the cabin, using a camera from home. As you can see the snow was still quite deep at filming time, however we had a small schedule so we came prepared with thick coats and wellies!

Filming day one (26/1/13)

Getting to the location: 
-Unfortunately one of our actors (Alana) had to pull out due to a family christening, and we didn't have time to ask around for another so we had to only have three characters.
-I picked up Manhal and Libby and one of the actors (Izzy) and we set out to meet the other actors and make our way to the location. 
-After a lot of traffic we finally got to our destination at Box Hill, unfortunately we were an hour late, meaning we had less time to film, putting us under slight pressure. 

At the location filming: 
-After some trouble getting the fire to start, we finally got it going and began filming. 
-The props were already set up and I had gone to the location early that morning to set it up so that we could begin filming as soon as we got there. 
-We aimed to film the whole thing on the day as we were only using one small location, therefore it was only a case of getting a variety of different shots. However, due to the absence of one characters and the fact the shooting schedule was not quite complete it made deciding on which shots to take in what order slightly difficult. However, we overcame this and shot in a logical order so all one type of shot was taken at the same time. We also had to change a few of the shots as well and adapt the storyboard due to the absence of Alana
-As we were a bit disorganised with shooting, we burnt some of the food which wouldn't have happened if we had planned the day better. Never the less, after eating we continued to shoot and get a range of different shots following the storyboard. 
-After we had eaten filming began to ran more smoothly and we got things done a lot quicker with better precision. 
-Once all the filming was complete, we tided the cabin and headed home.

Adaptions to the storyboard:
-The character of Alana was taken out completely.
-The remaining girls (Emilie and Lucie) try to call an ambulance when they see Izzy outside but fail as there is no signal.
-We couldn't film in the dark because various people had other commitments that evening, also we could not book out the lights so it would have made filming at dark near impossible. 

Post filming: 
-After looking over the footage, we have some great shots and a variety that we can use. However, one aspect of the storyboard was not filmed properly and is key to the sequence, therefore will have to be re-filmed at a later date. However, we do have more than enough footage at the moment to begin editing our sequence together. 

Posted by Rosie King

Friday, 25 January 2013

Call Sheet

Call Sheet:

Shooting day no.: Day One
Date: 26/1/13

Shot number:
Talking to Lucie and Alana
Sitting next to the log burner
Talking to Emilie and Izzy
Sitting on the sofa

Lucie passing basket to Izzy
Standing between sofa, table and log burner
Manhal looking in on the girls.
Outside the cabin, by the window next to the door
POV of Manhal looking at girls inside cabin
Outside the cabin by the window next to the door
Lucy     Emilie
Izzy     Alana
Emilie, Lucie and Alana sitting talking
Sofa, and by the log burner
Emilie   Lucie
Extreme close up of Lucie’s reaction to a noise.
Lucie and Emilie at the window
The window by the kitchen
Lucie, Emilie and Alana rushing to the door/ opening it
Kitchen to door
Emilie being pulled out the door
Emilie gripping the door frame as she is pulled out
Door frame
 Created and posted by Rosie King